Rallies and runs

2024 ABC Mileage Challenge

3 months 4 weeks ago #1765 by Tony
Replied by Tony on topic 2024 ABC Mileage Challenge
Hi ABC ers 
well another European trip for NC , The Normandy region with its stable mate The Busy Bee , both greatly admired at the 1st Bedelia rally by some fantastic bearded and hairy French petrol heads .I could only watch as the Bee shined and took off on the rally as NC failed me , or did I fail it ? I think the woodruff key has gone again ! Oh well a Mighty good static display I think ! Still , wine  and good food and company was reasonable compensation. 

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3 months 3 weeks ago #1766 by Paul
Replied by Paul on topic 2024 ABC Mileage Challenge
My contribution for October is a modest 23 miles. It may not sound much, but it was ridden in the tail-end of Hurricane Ashley!
It was intended as a midday-gettogether with the S. Cotswold VMCC Section, at the Malmesbury Garden Centre, 20.10.24. But when I got there, I was alone! Not a bike or rider in sight!
The rain was a wall of water for several miles, with some stiff gusts: BF is now proven Stormworthy, except for the brakes, which were totally washed-out. I had to use the gearbox to scrub off speed, and be extra vigilant with what was coming up ahead. 
No photos, the MGC is never photogenic, and in the rain it was positively repulsive!

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3 months 3 weeks ago #1767 by Tony
Replied by Tony on topic 2024 ABC Mileage Challenge
Well done Paul , a true battle with the weather , I could only watch and hear the rain as I took the engine out and tank off NC , engine now split and yes it was the woodruff key again but no broken valve this time , on the Tank , it's leaking , ( has been for quite a while) any recommendations for repairs ? , not sure the liquid liner is suitable as it has a baffle and not so easy to seal , I believe Frost do one resilient to this new fuel . 

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3 months 1 week ago - 3 months 1 week ago #1769 by Batten
Replied by Batten on topic 2024 ABC Mileage Challenge
Hi ABCers

I have just added up the mileage for the month of October and the total was a surprising 217 miles!

The first and by far the most important thing to mention this month is Keith and his ride in the 2024 Levis Cup Road Trial. Not only did Keith complete 102.89 miles during the event, but also Keith took first place and the much coveted Levis Cup itself. Keith's success was obviously due in part to his own riding skill but also to his choice of the ABC 3hp on which to compete. It is understood that Keith's "blue and red racer" was specially prepared for the event with a new set of tyres! Below is a copy of very complicated the result sheet for you all to ponder over. Sorry, no photo of Keith at the event, yet.

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My own riding took me to a breakfast vehicle meet at the National Motor Museum, Beaulieu hosted by Vintage Tyres at which I got quite wet. However, there was an opportunity for a nice artistic picture.

Lastly, EK was judged to be the best pre-1945 machine at the Braishfield Custom and Classic Bike Show where the prizes were presented by the Archbishop of Canterbury himself. Although, it is said in some circles that "God rides a Harley" it was clear that his representative on earth was very keen on an ABC and was quick to point out that the ABC on the tank really stood for Arch Bishop of Canterbury.

Last edit: 3 months 1 week ago by Batten.

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2 months 2 weeks ago #1770 by Batten
Replied by Batten on topic 2024 ABC Mileage Challenge
Hi ABCers

A quick adendum to last months mileage roundup, I am pleased to say that I have managed to obtain a couple of pictures of Keith from this year's Levis Cup Road Trial.

Below is a picture of the trial starter Mr Bill Danks, in the white overalls waiting, to wave Keith off at the start. Keith, however, appears to be checking his oil feed rate just one last time before the off.

The next picture is of the magnificent Levis Cup itself which was first awarded in 1915, but not to Keith.

Lastly, a big thank you to David Spencer, VMCC North Birmigham Section for supplying the photos. Next years Levis Cup Road Trial will be on Sunday 28th September and David said it would be lovely to see more ABCs or maybe even an ABC Team. Now there's food for thought!

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2 months 2 weeks ago - 2 months 2 weeks ago #1771 by keithsams
Replied by keithsams on topic 2024 ABC Mileage Challenge
i put most of my winning down to the new wired on wheels and tyres that i decided to fit after nearly coming to grief last year,Also a herd of cows that i managed to get by quicker than most as the farmer up the road has a large herd and i am used to them.
Note the blue suit as the weather men said it was going to rain heavy and i had one or two comments about my dress. I had the last lap because i completed the course then the heavens opened and at that point there was only about 10% of the starters had returned.
ps my other secret weapon was sticking out of my left hand leg but i wont tell you what that is.
So next year can we have a team and i am sure paul button will give some training to those south of the watford gap
another ps  they give you a photocopy of the levis cup they dont want it to go missing
Last edit: 2 months 2 weeks ago by keithsams.

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